Wednesday, January 1, 2014

NYX Smokey Eye Palette

Happy 2014, everyone!  My personal resolution is to update this blog wayyyy more then I have been.  I hope you enjoy the journey.

Today I have a palette I've had for quite awhile.  It's NYX's Smokey Eyes Palette.  This shouldn't be confused with their other smokey eye palette, which looks like this:

I'm fairly new to the makeup game and I don't have the Smokey palette to compare.  However, my guess is that the one that I have is an older one than the one that doesn't even appear on NYX's website anymore.  However, it's currently on clearance on Cherry Culture for $8.  The question is... is it worth getting this tiny palette?  Obviously, eight bucks isn't a bad price.  However, I'm a huge believer in any and all of your money should be well spent on makeup, whether it's a four dollar lipstick or a fifty-two dollar palette.  So let's go into it.

I bought this palette when Cherry Culture was having a huge clearance on their NYX products.  I wanted to get some essentials, including more neutral color/basic colors.  When I looked at the images on the sight, I decided upon the palette, because it appeared to be colors I could use as a cool toned babe.  Here's how the palette itself looks on the website:

The palette also has "swatches" on Cherry Culture's site that appear as follows:

Pretty silver and cool, right?  For some reason I foolishly decided to not check swatches before I decided to get them.  This was a mistake and I'm very aware of it.  I got my package and was greeted by the following:

The palette is 10, fairly small eyeshadows.  There's a nice sizable mirror, which is great if you actually use those when applying makeup.  I don't, but I'm sure this could be a huge pro, esp because it doesn't look like other Smokey palette has.  It's also a very secure plastic case.  I can easily snap it shut and shove it in my makeup bag with little worry about it falling apart.  It also comes with one of those foam applicators that has a slight curve to it.  But as you can see from my photo... these colors don't quite match.  The "swatches" on Cherry Culture look an awful lot like these colors would have a blue tint.  But as you can see here, there's much more of a brown tint to everything, even the silvers.  Which is... not the end of the world.  I mean, I'm using the palette and everything.  I just wish I researched/the swatches on Cherry Culture were a little more accurate!

When swatching these colors... I realized 1.  You definitely need primer with these babies and 2.  They don't look very... sultry and smokey to me?  Which I assume is why NYX decided to make a new palette, that features the colors I associate with smokey eyes... silvers, blacks, blues, purples... a lot of these come off kind of neutral on me.  I also noticed that some of these colors tend to blend into my skin quite a bit.  Which isn't the end of the world for me, but it does make me wonder if it's able to appear very well on people with darker skin tones.

Overall... I'm not going to cry over making this purchase.  A few of these colors work fairly well on my skin and I really like the way that's packaged for traveling purposes.  It's helped me a whole lot when I was working on my makeup for the holidays, and presumably job-related stuff, but I wouldn't call this palette the go-to for smokey eyes.

Does anyone here have this palette?  How about the other one by NYX for smokey eyes?  What were your results?

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